About Us
The Knowledge & Learning Commons is the Library & Archives’ space dedicated to knowledgesharing and exchange on issues of multilateralism.

Our Mission
Our mission is to bring together UN staff, interns, diplomats, researchers and students for meaningful discussion on the multilateralism of today and of the future.
We aim to be a growing, evolving space for a community of professionals, inspired and supported by the rich array of knowledge resources housed at the UN Library & Archives Geneva.

What we do
The Commons offers a range of in-person and online sessions, discussions, video interviews, online resource guides and more for learning about multilateralism. Our offering is constantly evolving to reflect the questions and ideas we should explore as multilateralism evolves.
Our current programme explores themes around multilateralism, diplomacy, innovation and technology, and the Sustainable Development Goals. You can find out more and register for Upcoming Events ,explore Past Events , and find a range of videos and digital products at our Explore Resources page.

Our story
Our story begins in 2019, when the Library & Archives created the Knowledge & Learning Commons to support the evolution of how we share knowledge and learn about multilateralism.
The UN Library & Archives Geneva has pioneered research and international understanding since its founding in 1919 as the Library of the League of Nations. As custodians of UN Geneva's heritage of collections, which spans more than 100 years and includes the League of Nations archives, we have a range of resources to offer on the study of multilateralism.
As part of our work to support the knowledge and research needs of staff, diplomats and researchers, the Commons draws upon the unique, diverse resources of the Library & Archives and the UN system, making them accessible to users through its events and other digital products.
The Commons is an integral part of the development of the Library & Archives, as we explore new ways to share knowledge and promote Library & Archives resources to users in Geneva and worldwide.