SDG Anonymous Innovation Session - Environment

SDG Anonymous Innovation Session - Environment

Discover the Commons past event "SDG Anonymous "which was held to collectively develop ideas on how individuals and organizations could become more Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) aware and supportive in their daily lives. The session recognized common behaviors, such as accepting unnecessary plastic bags or opting for in-person meetings instead of remote participation, that contribute to environmental unsustainability.

Organized by Young UN and the Geneva Environment Lab, in collaboration with the Commons, this event aimed to gather 'SDG confessions'—instances of current unsustainable behaviors that participants believed needed to change. The session, which took place on February 25, encouraged participants to move from confessions to action by working in teams to find innovative approaches for behavioral change aligned with the SDGs.

The event fostered a collaborative environment where participants could contribute to the collective effort of finding practical and innovative solutions to address environmental sustainability challenges in their daily lives and organizational practices.






Event details

12.00 p.m. Geneva CET
2.00 p.m. Geneva CET
Event location

Library Events Room (B.135)
Building B, 1st Floor 
Palais des Nations 


Practical information

This was an in-person event. No recording is available.