Interested in exploring multilateralism, but don't know where to begin?
Whether you're a student, researcher, diplomat or UN staff member, we're here to help you in your research. Join us for online learning sessions on how to access and use our primary sources on multilateralism.

Discover our vast collection of primary sources on multilateralism.
Here at the UN Library & Archives Geneva, we've supported understanding of multilateralism since our establishment in 1919 as the Library of the League of Nations. Today, we continue to preserve and provide access to a vast collection of documents, publications and archival materials that trace the evolution of multilateral action—from the time of League of Nations to the United Nations today.
We hold online sessions where you can discover how to access these primary sources. In each session, specialists from the Library & Archives guide you through the different types of official documents produced by the League of Nations and the UN, and how these records contribute to our understanding of global governance. You'll also learn how to access these sources online through two essential research tools:
The UN Archives Geneva Platform – A rich repository of archives from the League of Nations, the UN, international peace movements and more; and
The UN Digital Library – A gateway to official UN documents, speeches, reports and publications.
Join Us! Register for an upcoming session or request a specialized group session.
These sessions are open to students from all universities, diplomats, researchers and UN system staff. Visit our Upcoming Events page to sign up, or if you're interested in organizing a dedicated session for your institution or team, please contact us at commons@un.org.
We look forward to supporting your research!
Extra Inspiration - Resources on multilateralism
And, if you're interested in more resources, we have plenty to share! In the live sessions, we also recommend these materials and resources for further learning and inspiration.
The UN Document Research Guide, curated by the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library in New York, is a clear and comprehensive guide to understanding UN Documents and where to access them.
In this guide to Researching the League of Nations Archives, you'll find useful information on how to consult and conduct research on the League of Nations Archives, available on the UN Archives Geneva platform.
The Yearbook of the United Nations (1946-2015), published by the Department of Global Communications, is the authoritative reference work on the activities and concerns of the UN. Based on official UN documents, the Yearbook provides comprehensive coverage of political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters.
The Next Page is the podcast of the UN Library & Archives Geneva. Listen to a diverse range of conversations, from the history of multilateralism to the challenges facing the UN today, from human rights and gender equality, to Artificial Intelligence and the changing practice of diplomacy.
Our online series HiStories delves into fascinating aspects in the history of modern multilateralism, from the history of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to fighting against slavery and a century of the rights of the child.