Key Resources for Diplomats at the UN Library & Archives Geneva

Key Resources for Diplomats at the UN Library & Archives Geneva

This image shows two photos. One is a group of diplomats listening to a speaker at an event at the Library and Archives. In the second photo, a librarian supports a diplomat who is opening an account.

The UN Library & Archives Geneva works to support research and understanding of multilateralism through our diverse collections of resources and archival materials.  

One of our key priorities is to support diplomats at the UN with the research and information services they need to participate in multilateral processes. Here, you’ll find some of the key services and tools we offer diplomats at UN Geneva. 

Open a Library Account  

If you’re a diplomat at UN Geneva, you can open a Library account to gain full access to the Library catalogue and collections. Register here, and if you have any questions about opening an account, you can Ask a Librarian.  

Resource Guide for Diplomats 

In our online guide, Key Resources and Services for Diplomats, you’ll find a curated range of UN materials and tools useful for your research on multilateralism. This is your gateway to our range of physical and online resources, including books and e-book, e-journals, UN documents and publications, news articles, topical research guides and more.  

News resources from across the world  

You can also find a wide range of newspapers, magazines, publications and databases in our collection. And, if you’re a Library account holder with access to our on-site services in Geneva, you can take advantage of newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries in more than 60 languages. Find out more here

Collections in more than 100 languages  

Our collections include resources in more than 123 languages. Explore the themes and topics of interest to you by consulting the Global Search Catalogue, your single point of access to the Library's print and electronic collections.  

Or, if you’re interested in the history of modern multilateralism, the UN Archives Geneva platform gives access to the fonds and collections managed by the UN Library and Archives Geneva, including the archives of the United Nations in Geneva, the League of Nations (1919-1946), international peace movements (from 1870), and private papers.  

The Next Page Podcast 

The podcast of the UN Library & Archives Geneva, The Next Page, is designed to advance the conversation on multilateralism. Discover fascinating discussions on topical issues with a range of experts, historians, authors, diplomats and practitioners who are working in multilateralism, international affairs, academia, development and more. You can listen online, or via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube and other major podcasting platforms.  

Specialized support from a Librarian or an Archivist 

If you need help to find a resource or start your research, our team is here to assist. You can Ask a Librarian or an Archivist

We look forward to supporting your research and information needs. 
