Journey to the Summit of the Future - Episode 6 - Can Multilateralism Solve the Climate Crisis?

Journey to the Summit of the Future - Episode 6 - Can Multilateralism Solve the Climate Crisis?

Episode 6 of the Journey to the Summit of the Future features Aneschka Berchtold, Swiss Youth Representative to the United Nations, and political science student engaged in climate activism and gender issues. 

Can multilateralism solve the climate crisis? How can we better understand and take action on the intersection of climate and gender? In this conversation, Aneschka shares her views on whether multilateral climate action is working, and what it will take to ensure youth can actively participate in climate policy-making and governance. She also speaks about the critical need for a feminist climate justice approach, and what she hopes will be achieved at the Summit of the Future.


Our Common Agenda
Summit of the Future 2024
Read the UN Secretary-General's Policy Brief on Future Generations
Read the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism’s report ahead of the Summit of the Future, including Shift One on Rebuilding Trust in Multilateralism.

Selected Resources from the UN Library & Archives

- Learn about SDG 13 on Climate Action and SDG4 on Gender Equality in our Library Research Guide on the Sustainable Development Goals

- Explore our curated list of Library resources on feminist climate justice.


Feminist Frontiers in Climate Justice – Gender Equality, Climate Change and Rights - Albertyn, C., Campbell, M., Alviar García, H., Fredman, S., & Rodriguez de Assis Machado, M. (Eds.). (2023). Feminist Frontiers in Climate Justice. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Mainstreaming Gender in Global Climate Governance - Flavell, J. (2023). Mainstreaming Gender in Global Climate Governance: Women and Gender Constituency in the UNFCCC (1st ed.). Routledge. 


The dangers of masculine technological optimism: Why feminist, antiracist values are essential for social justice, economic justice, and climate justice - Stephens, J. C. (2024). Environmental Values, 33(1), 58-70. 

Ecofeminism, rights of nature and climate justice: relational webs and planetary restoration: Ecofeminismo, direitos da natureza e justiça climática: teias relacionais e restauração planetária - Bezerra Guimarães, V. M. (2023).  Simbiótica. Revista Eletrônica, 10(3), 15–30. 

A green skills framework for climate action, gender empowerment, and climate justice - Kwauk - 2022 - Kwauk, C. T. & Casey, O. M. (2022). Development Policy Review, 40(Suppl. 2), e12624. 

Tackling climate change and gender justice – integral; not optional - Morrow, K. L. (2021) “Tackling climate change and gender justice – integral; not optional”, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 11(1), pp. 207–230. 


Changing the Plan: How “Feminist Cities” and Feminist Political Ecology Can Inform More Equitable and Climate-Bella, B. (2023). Critical Planning, 26. 
